Friday, August 27, 2010

"IIT ye Dhyeyam IIM ye Lakshyam (Eng Translation: Goal - IIT, Target - IIM)"

Well its been a long time that I started/stopped blogging. All these years I thought of writing posts on many issues but in vain. I now feel that I gotta take off in someway or the other to get into this loop of blogging. So here comes my new post in three years!!!

Last week I was in Hyderabad on vacation. I got down the train and took a city bus to Madhapur. Half way from Sec'bad the bus moved past a school bus. I was happy to see small kids back on their way home. I turned my head to see the name of the school and to my dismay this was the caption on the school bus

IIT ye Dhyeyam IIM ye Lakshyam (Eng Translation:Goal - IIT, Target - IIM)

It is a known fact that education is all but a kind of business in Andhra Pradesh. Almost all of the High School Education now lies in the hands of very big Educational Corporates. They have not only changed the cost of the education but also the course of the parents' thought process. With the cost of education soaring high, so are the hopes of parents to see their kids in the premier institutes of the country. Absolutely right and I appreciate the role of the Corporates of the Educational field for the spread of awareness.

A closer look beyond this awareness takes us to the ground reality. Almost 9 out of 10 households(figures are only based on my experiences) back in the state have their kids pursuing an Engineering or a Medicine degree (The high cost and longer tenure to completion of a Medicine degree in addition to very few seats makes it less famous among the two). In-fact parents have started to choose Primary schools which teach children math and other stuff(required for the making of an Engineer). Parents are no more interested in their kids' overall development. It's been a long time since people seized to consider languages as subjects. Heights of this race is to neglect board exams for Engineering entrances. Children are being trained to break into premier institutes but not to understand the basic principles of the subjects. In-fact children are being put in IIT orientation/Techno schools way before they realize their areas of interest.

All this to see their kids in white collar jobs, earning a good money. Did I mention that most of these engineers are either S/W or IT engineers? Well people think that other courses are opted only in the dire situations of not being able to fight it out for the above two courses. So how many of these engineers are really employable?

I never saw a figure greater than 30% in any of the surveys conducted for employability. If the education standards are projected to be so high that more than 300 Engineering colleges are required, what happened to the rest 70%.

Very few people think of other professional courses, but the standards of those institutes have come down so much that they are not even considered as potential courses for a good career. It might be due to the fact that these institutes lack funds that the Engineering Colleges enjoy.

Now that MBA's get paid a lot more than Engineering Graduates, the focus has shifted to churn them out. Hence come the caption

IIT ye Dhyeyam IIM ye Lakshyam (Eng Translation: Goal - IIT, Target - IIM)!!!


vasurunman said...

addiction.... correct it addition

Anonymous said...

If the way you play alone matters , .. then history should have been even more vast ..
But its not so . Becoz victory or the way to it alone does nt matter s..its a combination that matters .
Even otherwise , thers a saying like this :
if u want to change a way or style that is being followed, one should follow it , achieve through it and change the difficulties you faced.

Victory satisfies the society whil e the way you took satisfies you .
NEVER compensate each other ///

Shubhankar said...

Rightly said !
It is also sad that because of our obsession with the so-perceived career-focussed education, we have diminished the value of our analytical & quantititaive skills, to the point where westerners will often say "Ya, those Asians (Indians + Chinese) are great at number-crunching. So what ?"

Enough said :(

Kireeti (a.k.a ARAGORN) said...

@ Varun : Thanks!!!
@ Santosh : hmmm..diplomatic..chill
@ Shubs : I am gonna say more!!!

Unknown said...

good topic!

i'd like to stress on the way ppl in andhra take their stance!

agreeing with what u said about software jobs being so very adoring for the andhrites, i'd like to throw some light on the recent trends..

after the satyam scandal was publicized, u could hear everyone - from a govt employee to a vegetable vendor - speaking "LEDANDI, SOFTWARE KAALAM POINDI.. OKAPPUDU BOOM UNDEDI, IPPUDANTE CIVIL/MEHCANICAL/ELECTRONICS KI CHAALA DEMAND PERIGIPOINDI.." n they can even support themselves with arbit facts "dubai lo construction work baaga perigipoindi, anduvalana civil ante chaala demand undi"

but not just in the case of eamcet colleges, the same thing was done by andhra students enrolling themselves in nits.... for instance, cse in nit warangal went on until some 6k while mech & civil were filled much b4 that...

coming to engg VS medical:
v remember how many ppl used to write eamcet bpc - numerous guys in the current batch + ppl repeating it for the 1st, 2nd and sometimes even 3rd time.... the number used to be in lakhs...
this year 50k students wrote eamcet bipc.... 4 years ago it was 2lakhs roughly!! is it cuz doctors r no more required n ppl r having better life standards?? or some other reason???

i'd end this asking - "when will ppl in andhra change?!"

Winner said...

some of the rest 70 make their way into a US college of the equivalent standard of an un-affiliated sick college here :) and also end up being unemployed in a different path and in a different land!

Winner said...

Yes Zafar,
know what .. Civil is the branch with the highest demand post-crisis.. AP makes a good state for an educational business by fooling around folks here..
start by saying that production engineering is involved even in production of electronic chips and that prodies are more imp than ECE guys and say that one guy from prod got a 25LPA job, and put a college which has only prod and name it "Techno-production talent college"..what say :P

Srikanth Putcha said...

@ Aragaorn:

I agree with ur views...
have you heard of the Pre Schools which post: మీ చిన్నారులను మొదటి అడుగు నుంచి IIT బాట లో నడిపే Concept Pre School - Right from LKG ...
(A School which puts your toddlers on the path to IIT right from the first step)

When we were in Inter we heard that IIT coaching is being started from 7th Class...
Later when we came to know that the par went down to 5th/6th, we used to joke that in future it will start from kindergarten ...

Now that so thought far exaggerated joke is a reality...

At this rate, on the present scale we can joke :
అభిమన్యుడు , ప్రహ్లాదుడు కి సమానంగా మీ సిసువుకి గర్భం లోనే విద్యాభ్యాసం ప్రారంభించే *** School/ Machine/ Teacher/ Baba ...
( Like abhimanyu, Prahlada , we will initiate your childs education in the womb itself)

Even this could go real in future....


@ all :

If a college offered a course called Bachelor/ Master.IIT-IIM Coaching , that should be the most potential course..

The guy who will complete that course is sure to be recruited in a booming industry of coaching institutes, if from andhra he can live in his hometown or chosen place, good growth in salary assured with growth in experience, unaffected by recession/depression/meltdown/Y2k/ Oil spill/ gas tragedy/swine flu/ political interference/maoists/ telangana ...

@Trespasser: agree with you