The other day someone asked me "Why do you like Aragorn?"

Well, I never gave a serious thought at the issue (not atleast until the question sprang out)…
Aragorn, the Strider, is a Descendant of the royal bloodline which led the humans in all the wars with the dark lord, Sauron. But is that the reason that I like the character??? Nope…..its something else…
Aragorn is not just another kin of a royal bloodline…he’s an epitome of a perfect king…a leader… who led the human race in the war to the success…
A leader who knew the importance of team work (for those who need elucidation….the very fact that he worked in cohesion with humans, hobbits, elves, dwarves, wanderers etc proves the point….)
A leader who knew the importance of human values…values which he stood by in his way to lead his men
A leader who knew the cultures & values of the all the races (elves, hobbits, dwarves…) that he lead
A leader who chose to lead when his decision to lead meant his love would abort him…not that all those who renounce their belongings (Arwen in his case) will become great…but its this decision at the crossroads that accounted for his greatness
A leader who rose to the fore during the time of need…
A leader who maintained to be in the good books of his contemporaries…which is why they came to help him in the hour of his need
A leader who never felt inferior at times when he’s to follow his folk (when he’s to follow as led by hobbits, elves, dwarves…)
A leader who was adored by his followers…
A leader who worked for the well being of his folk even at during the difficult times (remember the way he watched after hobbits during the night when he first met them)
A leader who knew how and when to use his special powers like, say, his royal bloodline... to lead his team towards success…
A leader who was always focused towards his ultimate task of winning the war and never succumbed to the size or the power of the enemy…
A human being who never becomes a prey to the evil spells being cast by the Ring
That’s Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, Heir of Isildur, the Wingfoot, the Thorongil, the Ranger, Dunedain of the North and The Possessor Of Anduril
Hmmmm...Good to see u also being such a big fan of the fantasy genre..Of course ur fascination far exceeds any that I have..!!!
But man...Aragorn is quite an amazing guy...I aint surprised at all that u like him so much..!! :-)
Dude...good to see tat you are also a fan of LOTR man..
Yeah Aragorn is quite an amazing guy..
A good read indeed...
The author of the article has brought to attention the various facets of the human nature in this well blended article and couple that with the wisecrack comments he has interspersed in the passage it makes and interesting read...
All the best dude..
PS:What is Prof. Of Anduril?
thx is Possessor of Anduril
not Prof. of Anduril
but what does that exactly mean???
dude ANDURIL is the sword of ARAGORN
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